Belated Honeymoon | Iceland > England > France | 9/14 - 9/25
September 14th, 2017 marked the first time I flew on a plane since August 11, 2001. It also marked the first time in nearly twelve years of love, cats, comedy and cat comedy that I was launched through the sky in a steel bird with my wife Jenn. We're off on our much belated honeymoon.
Below are 70 selected images. Some with captions, some without.
Below are 70 selected images. Some with captions, some without.

Text by Jenn: "What Do You See?” — There’s no better feeling when your partner in crime is willing to not only indulge your fandom whims but play an active part in making your fandom dreams come true. Taken in Room 34 at National Gallery near the same spot Daniel Craig and Ben Whishaw were shot by the masterful Roger Deakins in ‘Skyfall’, directed by Sam Mendes. ‘The Fighting Temeraire’ is my favorite Turner of all time, and seeing it in person was a near existential experience.
It's crazy to believe we've been married for five years and together for nearly twelve. What is time?
I look forward to the next twelve and beyond.
I look forward to the next twelve and beyond.