After a lot of thought, and some peer pressure, I've sent The Man in the Booth to some festivals. CraziFlix Film Festival, St. Cloud Film Festival, Big Water Film Festival, Highway 61 Film Festival, Minneapolis Underground Film Festival and Twin Cities Film Festival. We won't know the outcome for several months. I've been afraid of sending this to festivals, possibly because I'm my worst critic and I'm not sure if the movie is good enough or holds the structure of a more traditional short subject documentary.
People tell me not to over-think this or worry about it too much, because, as some have said, "A good documentary starts with a good subject, and you can't get any better than Dave." This is very true. Dave is such a fascinating person. One day I hope to make The Man in the Booth Part II.
Some have asked if they can see the film. Sometime soon I will get it up on Vimeo.
People tell me not to over-think this or worry about it too much, because, as some have said, "A good documentary starts with a good subject, and you can't get any better than Dave." This is very true. Dave is such a fascinating person. One day I hope to make The Man in the Booth Part II.
Some have asked if they can see the film. Sometime soon I will get it up on Vimeo.